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This Week

Writer: Stephen RedwoodStephen Redwood

Updated: Nov 15, 2023

Our newest actors have had an excellent week:

Yuri Furtado wins the prize for fastest audition ever, bagging a lovely physical theatre audition within two hours of joining us. No freaking wayyy!

Sirelyn Rääk wins a not-as-awesome prize of fastest turnaround self-tape, for a feature film, with twenty-four hours to get her tape of two whole scenes back to casting directors - and an excellent job she did, as well, with a quick brush up of her Southern American accent!

Working This Week

Daiana Madeira has been filming in Ireland, with a small role in a feature film.

Harrison Skinner is rehearsing for Panto, playing Prince Charming like the handsome fella he is. He'll be touring around the UK, and there'll be a post soon for him, to tell you all about it.

And Alessandra Conte has been filming the lead in a queer arthouse film, and the rushes look pretty great if we say so ourselves.


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